An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery (1780) made enslaving illegal in Pennsylvania. But it was only in 1847 when the last remaining slaves became free in the state.
In 1783 Massachusetts Supreme Court proclaimed slavery illegal relying on the 1780 Constitution of Massachusetts.
In 1784 the authorities of Connecticut began a process for gradual abolition of slavery. But only in 1848 the remaining slaves were set free.
The state of New York started a gradual abolition of slavery in 1799. The last remaining slave in New York was set free on July 4, 1827.
In 1833 the British parliament accepted the Abolition Act:, freeing all slaves in the British Empire, over a million in total.
In 1861 the Russian tzar abolishied the surfdom all over the Russian Empire, immediately setting all the surfs free.
On December 6, 1865 the federal authorities passed the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, officially ending slavery on the whole US territory.
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