Pavel Durov beat his youngest son and threatened to kill him, mother claims

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Pavel Durov beat his youngest son and threatened to kill him, claims Irina Bolgar, the mother of the Telegram founder's three children. The businessman's representative responded that Durov and Bolgar "were never a couple"

Durov Bolgar

On October 3, The New York Times published a large article about the relationship between Telegram founder Pavel Durov and St. Petersburg-born lawyer Irina Bolgar, who calls herself the mother of his three children. The article was based on a four-hour interview Irina Bolgar gave to the publication's journalists in Geneva, as well as comments from Pavel Durov's press secretary. In addition, the publication reveals materials from a criminal case of violence against a child, which is being investigated in Switzerland based on Bolgar's statement. Meduza retells the NYT article in detail.

Irina Bolgar (now 44) said that she met Pavel Durov (39) through a mutual friend - this happened in the summer of 2012 in St. Petersburg, they were both interested in yoga. According to her, the romantic relationship began during the winter holidays at the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai. Bolgar called Durov "a charming man." She was especially impressed by his libertarian views. Afterwards, Bolgar said, she and Durov returned to Russia, where they settled in the W Hotel in the center of St. Petersburg, next to St. Isaac's Cathedral, and then rented an apartment a few minutes' walk from the VKontakte office on Nevsky Prospekt. At the end of 2013, Bolgar gave birth to their first child together.


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