Who was born on November 12? The list of famous persons who were born on November 12!
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If your birthday is November 12, and you wonder who was born on this day, then you are on a right page. Here is the top list of celebrities born on that same day, November 12:
- Bahaullah, founder of the Bahai Faith, was born on November 12, 1817
- Auguste Rodin, famous French sculptor, was born on November 12, 1840
- Sun Yat-sen, Chinese politician, was born on November 12, 1866
- Neil Young, famous Canadian singer and guitarist, was born on November 12, 1945
- Ryan Gosling, Canadian actor, was born on November 12, 1980
- Anne Hathaway, famous American actress, was born on November 12, 1982
- Russell Westbrook, famous American basketball player, was born on November 12, 1988
Here is a picture of Neil Young
![Neil Young](/filez/neil.jpg)