Famous people born on November 18: the top list of celebrities born on November 18!

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If your birthday is November 18, and you wonder who was born on this day, then you are on a right page. Here is the top list of celebrities born on that same day, November 18:

  • Baron Blackett, English physicist and academic, was born on November 18, 1897
  • Don Cherry, American trumpet player, was born on November 18, 1936
  • Herman Rarebell, drummer of the Scorpions, was born on November 18, 1949
  • Kim Wilde, famous English singer, was born on November 18, 1960
  • Kirk Hammett, lead guitarist of Metallica, was born on November 18, 1962
  • Peter Schmeichel, Danish footballer, goalkeeper, was born on November 18, 1963
  • Allyson Felix, famous American sprinter, was born on November 18, 1985

Here is a picture of Kirk Hammett

Kirk Hammett

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