The distance from Buford to Candler-McAfee, Georgia

The exact distance between Buford and Candler-McAfee, Georgia is 31 miles (50 kilometers) by a straight line.

The distance from Buford 
to Candler-McAfee, Georgia
The distance from Buford to Candler-McAfee, Georgia by highways is about 32 miles and it is subject to a slight change depending on the chosen route. Travel time from Buford to Candler-McAfee, Georgia by car is about 30 minutes and it also may vary depending on traffic. Upon departing from Buford to Candler-McAfee please take into consideration that travel times may rise by 10 to 50% in case of traffic jams or bad weather. In such cases consider public transport when traveling between Buford and Candler-McAfee, Georgia.

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