Where is Columbia Steamer on the map? Exact location of Columbia Steamer and coordinates.

Columbia Steamer is a well known historic site located in Buffalo, New York, USA. This passenger steamship carried passengers to Bois Blanc Island for the Detroit & Windsor Ferry Company, and is one of the last remaining examples of her kind. Designed by Frank E. Kirby, noted naval architect.[9] In September 2015, it was moved to Buffalo, New York,[10] where it is being prepared for an eventual move to the Hudson River. Here you can see an interactive Open Street map which shows the exact location of Columbia Steamer. To zoom in or out and see the surrounding area, use the buttons shown on the map. To see the surrounding objects, drag the map with your mouse or finger.
Also check out Columbia Steamer on satellite map.
Exact coordinates of Columbia Steamer: Latitude: 42.860802 North, Longitude: 78.862198 West.

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