Where is Legacy Arena on the map? Exact location of Legacy Arena and coordinates.

Legacy Arena, formerly known as the BJCC Arena, is a multi-purpose arena located in Birmingham, Alabama, USA. It is the home of the UAB Blazers men's basketball team and the Alabama state high school basketball championship. The arena opened in 1976 and has a seating capacity of around 19,000 people. Legacy Arena has hosted a variety of events, such as concerts, conventions, family shows, and sporting events. The arena has undergone several renovations throughout the years, with the most recent in 2013. Legacy Arena is part of the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC) which includes other facilities such as concert halls, exhibition halls and meeting rooms. Here you can see an interactive Open Street map which shows the exact location of Legacy Arena. To zoom in or out and see the surrounding area, use the buttons shown on the map. To see the surrounding objects, drag the map with your mouse or finger.
Also check out Legacy Arena on satellite map.
Exact coordinates of Legacy Arena: Latitude: 33.523804 North, Longitude: 86.813057 West.

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Legacy Arena is listed in: Stadiums , Music venues

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